Monday, January 23, 2012

Spicy Italian Chicken Sausage with Sauteed Plum Tomato Garlic Spaghetti 

I sauteed up my garlic, celery, shallots on lowlowlow heat with a ton of olive oil and chili flakes, added my tomatoes and olives, deglazed with and finished with parsley, basil, and more olive oil. Crisped up my sausage in a separate pan, then added them to my sauce. 


  1. NICE JOB CHERITH. Glad that you did this now we can support eachother.

  2. Thank you lady!! Absolutely! I think your blog is really good, love all the little stories with your recipes... so cute!

  3. This was a really great pasta dish, I can't wait till you make it again!
